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I've just ordered my 50 model CS smoker and am very excited about cranking it up over Memorial Day weekend. My goal (after seasoning the smoker, etc.) is to load it up with both brisket and pork butt for a good sized crowd/party. In looking at the CS site and postings on these boards, it's clear that each (brisket/butt) smokes/cooks at different temps. How do you reconcile this when smoking both types of meats at same time? Also, with capacity of the 50, what is a good/optimum load for this brisket and butt combo? Sorry for multiple questions! Thanks, Ibspy
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Well,that is a bunch of questions. Smiler

A pork butt is very forgiving and will turn out great,even if it takes awhile.

Every brisket is different and has a mind of its own.

You can cook both at the same temp,although your finishing times may vary greatly.

Have you cooked many briskets?

Are you cooking flats,or packers?

Are your briskets select,choice,CAB s,or even prime?

I'd guess the model 50 can handle forty lbs of bulk meats.

Tell us a little more about your specifics,and we'll try to help.
ibspy - Congrats on your purchase. You'll not be sorry. I would caution you though on doing your first smoke for a large group. Many may say that you are living dangerously. Big Grin The CS is very forgiving and some have even called it "idiot proof," but in this case, ignorance is not bliss. Give yourself plenty of time to finish your smoke. Definitely buy a digital thermometer to watch internal temp. Also read the Lessons for new users You'll be glad you did! There's always people here to help you along. Be sure to tell us about that first smoke.

Hoping all goes well!
Agree with Wheelz on this one. With NO experience in the smoker, trying to time something perfectly for a party is pretty hard to do, even when you're experienced.

I wouldn't do my first cook for a party. We've seen many times that the new cooks meats aren't finished anywhere near the time needed.

Cook the butt the day before, put it in the fridge and then throw it back in the smoker (wrapped) with the brisket on the day.

Just me, but I'd do just the butts. You can do them to finish early and they'll hold fine. Briskets take a little more practice.
I've done this several times with great sucess on all attempts. Put your pork butts on the top rack and insert a temp probe into one.

Put your brisket on the rack right below them fat side down and insert a second temp probe. The fat will act as a buffer from the lower heating element and the rendered fat and juices from the pork will baste and flavorize the brisket. That fat side down comment may be less of or a non-issue on the 50. But it's critical on the smokette.

The briskets have always been done first, so I pull them out, double wrap in HD foil and into the cooler. Repeat when the butts are done.
I've been out of town since posting my original question and 'truly' appreciate everybody's words of wisdom. I will probably proceed with caution for the first adventure based on the comments as noted and will probably go with butts for the first smoke. When I do with the combo, will try your method Dennis (thanks!). I know for sure I picked the right product in the Cookshack with all of the passionate and helpful owners helping out like this...I will provide an update once the first smoke is completed over Memorial Day weekend and of course welcome other helpful hints to the original post as well. Thanks again!
Tom....When I do attempt a brisket, based on your earlier questions (flats vs packers, brisket grade, etc.), do you have any guidance on what to go with? Definitely a beginner in every sense and will experiment with brisket when not smoking for guests! Any guidance you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Look for a full cut,untrimmed,packer cut,brisket in cryovac.

9-11 lbs will fit diagonally across your racks and cook nicely.

Choice will be better than select/commercial/ungraded.

Take this time to read the brisket archives and Smokin's Brisket 101.
Smokin's Brisket 101

Another good explanation is Darcy's.

He is a fine comp cook and caterer from OK.

He cooks on a JR logburner and a Cookshack 160.

Darcy's Brisket
Based on all of the great feedback I've received, I have decided to do the pork butts and forego the brisket for another time. Looking to go with a twin pack from Sam's at about 15lbs total from what I've been told there. I've seen alot of posts throughout the site with a variety of pork butt prep do's and don'ts. For a first timer, what's the basic prep (could somebody explain hitting the butt with mustard, then rub as I've seen that a few times on posts, or is it acceptable to go just with a rub)? If I'm going with a Friday night start at 10PM or so, so with that, how long prior should the prep/rub be?

Got my thermometers lined up for each as well and have been studying up on all of the good info related to temp, pull temp, holding, etc. Any feedback/info greatly appreciated!

Don't make it too complicated.

I kinda like to get the rub on at least a couple hrs before butts go in the cooker.

There are some folks that like to use cheap yellow mustard on the butt,to help hold the rub.

Others like to make a paste with mustard,or apple juice,and feel they can rub it into every nook and cranny.

Personally,that is just one extra mess to go through.

I've never had a problem getting rub to stick to butts and I feel like I can see and control better just plain.
Tom....Thanks for taking the time to reply and I am going to go with your recommendations.

And thanks to all others who have helped me out thus far: Dennis, Wheelz and of course SmokinOkie!

I'm sure I'll have further questions as I get closer to Friday night, but will try to keep them to a minimum. Thanks for everybody's patience, expertise and wisdom!

Sincerely, IBSPY
Like a kid at Christmas! Super Smoker 50 just arrived off the UPS truck and I've got wood in now starting to season it. Can't wait to get the pork butts in it tomorrow (Fri) night as noted above.

One question for any/all regarding 'foiling' for the smoke. Everybody including the manual notes of course to foil the smoker floor with a hole for the drain, 'plus' the wood box 'lid'. Looking in the smoker, looks like the heat deflector would get more of the grease/mess than the wood box lid, plus the smoker lid is covered by the heat deflector. So do you foil the deflector or the wood box lid? Sorry if a stupid question. IBSPY
When they say the wood box, they mean the heat deflector. I love smoking butts. It is hard to go wrong. Put the rub on and give them 2 hours per pound. 1.5 will probably do, but they will hold their heat wrapped in foil and a towel in a cooler for hours. Better to be done early than late. Make sure you make some sauce from Okie's 101 page. It is simple and tastes great with the pork. I have no doubt the pork butt will be a hit. If you want to do a test before the butt, I love smoking 1/3 to 1/2lb burgers with 1 oz. of hickory at 225. They take 55 minutes and taste great.
Smoked two 7 pound butts Friday night through Saturday afternoon. After overcoming thermometer problems and figuring things out, everything from there went super. Both butts out at 195, first one held great with double wrap foil, towel and cooler while the slightly larger one went one for another hour and a half. Pulled the first while the other finished off. Both were fantastic and the first cs experience less the thermometer snafus was as great as I could have hoped for. Made Smokin's virgin mustard sauce which I loved (first time having the mustard style sauce)....All at the bbq raved about the pulled pork...

Thanks to all who have helped with advice and replies to my questions going in to this one. Can't wait for the next smoke which will be soon and often!!! IBSPY

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