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I bought two racks of "natural" or "organic" St. Louis ribs from the local Kroger here in NW Houston. I picked two that were about 2.8lbs each.

I gave them a light dusting of the CS chicken rub and a heavier coating of the rib rub about 15 minutes before putting them into a cold SM025. 3oz of hickory and I set the smoker on 250deg.

Since they were so small, I did not use the recommended 275 for St. Louis ribs that I have seen posted, and I set the timer for 3 hours. One rack was tender per the toothpick test so I wrapped it in foil and a towel and put it into a pre-heated cooler. I gave the second rack another 30 minutes and did the same as I was expecting the cooking time to be a little longer.

Put one rib on the grill with a coating of the CS BBQ sauce.

Maybe a perfect doneness, not fall off the bone but a clean bite I guess. The meat came off the bone easily leaving a clean, shiney bone. That is good based on what I have read and we enjoyed it.

We loved them! I preferred the rub only, the wife preferred with the sauce.

I have to thank the forum, if you read and learn first, even your first ribs can be your best ever! Thanks.
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Houston, congratulations on your first smoke and the results that you got.
A thought for you when you cook your next St. Louis ribs. I am a low and slow smoker guy and I consistently get great results with my ribs.
Having said that, I use the 3-2-1 smoking technique. I put a cast iron tray in the smoker on the lower rack with about a quart of water in it and get the temperature up to about 275-300 degrees and then put my ribs in bone side up
for three hours smoking at 225 degrees. I take the ribs off, put each rack into heavy aluminum foil with brown sugar on the bottom, squeeze butter on top, add about a cup of apple juice, create a tent wrap and put them back on the smoker for two more hours. Take them off, take them out of the foil put them back on the smoker and add BBQ sauce to both sides and smoke for another 15-30 minutes. Take them off and "BAMB" they are done and melting in your mouth.

If you try this let me know how you make out.


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