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String Theory for Pork Shoulder

No, I'm not considering the internal strings, but whether or not to tie it up. I purchased a 15 lb. cryovac pack of pork shoulder. When I opened it up, it separated into two shoulders (don't know if they were from the same pig). Anyhow, part of the end for each was cut up, so that is not one solid piece but had a "ragged" cut end (presumably to cut it off from the bone). I'm assuming a butcher would cut off the ragged end if he sold it as an individual cut.

I contemplated cutting off the ragged part, but it has a good portion of the fat cap attached. I plan on cooking it with the fat cap up and can either just leave it as it is (tuck in the end by hand) or tie up the shoulder with string to keep it together. Obviously my concern is having a portion that is open cook much faster than the bulk of the shoulder.

Has anyone had success with keeping their shoulder together with string or will it be "foin" without it?
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