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Stuart,being a native son of Kansas,offered this a few years ago.

He has a lot of good tips,when he has the time to check in on us.

Member # 24

posted September 17, 2003 05:04 PM
Smoke corn on the cob is great. I simply remove all but 2 layers of husk, and pull the silk. Then smoke/cook at 225 for 3 hours, usually just use 2 oz. of wood.
Hickory, pecan, and apple all taste nice on corn.

After smoking it, I like the following as butter:
1 cup butter
1 cup cookshack spicy bbq sauce
2 tbl. cookshack chicken rub

Melt butter and blend in sauce and spice. Remove husks from corn and dip in butter.

Let us know how it turns out.



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