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Hi, New guy looking for some advice from the great knowledge base here. I was given a pretty beat up SM150 that needs work. It definitely needs a new heating element and temp sensor, new side rack supports, racks, and woodbox. The electrical looks OK, hopefully the main control board is in good shape. I'm going to do a little troubleshooting of the electrics before I jump in too far, but figured I'd introduce myself and see if anyone had any thoughts regarding accessories, tips regarding replacement parts, etc. I'll primarily be smoking fish. Also, has anyone done work on the electrics of these units? I'm wondering how to see if the control board works without being able to run the unit since the heating element and temp sensor are not on. I'm far from an electrician so pardon if this is a dumb question or easy solution. Can I troubleshoot the unit without it being fully wired up? I'll be calling tech support tomorrow, they've been great so far, but thought I'd check in here as well. Thanks for any advice,

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Welcome aboard Ryan.

Cookshack sells a number or replacement parts on the website.

Your best bet as to the technical aspects would be, as you said, speaking with Bill or Tony in customer service. I doubt you could throw them a question they can't answer.

Good luck on the refurb. It shouldn't be too much of a chore.
They will be able to meter check each of the few wires by color.The results will pinpoint the problem.They will have the few items that can go wrong and sit with you on watts line and talk you thru the simple instruction sheet.
Don't try to over think them.The company is built around keeping it's restaurants,cooks,etc simply operating.

Ask how I know-I just did my two decades old 160.

The folks that know me can swear I can't tell a claw hammer from a snow shovel.
Thank you for the welcome and advice. I spoke with the cookshack tech team and they were quite helpful. I did some troubleshooting on the wiring, flipped the switch and voila, I was greeted with the prompt to set the temp! Now I just I some accessories and I'll be good to go (fingers crossed). The door switch is shot but I'm not woo worried about. The aesthetics are pretty bad as well, so I'll probably do a fresh coat of paint. Anybody have any recommendations on paint type and prepping the unit. I'll update the thread as I make my progress.
A DOOR SWITCH !?!?!? LOL that is GREAT !!
If you're buying shelves, go stainless steel. My original smoker, the SM008 had no shelves so I got stainless steel. WOW were they nice. When I got the SM150 it had the original nickel plated shelves. Man I sure miss the easy cleanup of the stainless steel. Also when you can get a COVER.

Congrats on a quick problem solving session. Isn't Cookshack great ??
Originally posted by wineyarders:
Anybody have any recommendations on paint type and prepping the unit.

Although the 150 is well insulated, it wouldn't hurt to use a high heat factor black stove paint. I'm guessing a hand held sander with 150 grit paper would be sufficient. If it's in tough shape exterior wise, perhaps some 100 grit to start with.

Glad to hear the refurb is relatively minor.

I used a 150 in my restaurant for 5's a "set it & forget it" work horse.
Ooops, I spoke too soon. Just because it powered up I thought I was all set, only to find after getting a new element and temp sensor that the control board is shot. So after cleaning, stripping, painting (went with enamel engine paint BTW), refitting I'm faced with needing a $750 control panel. After doing some soul searching (i.e., searching the web) I came across what I hope to be a much more economical solution in a PID. Just ordered a PID controller, temp sensor and solid state relay for $70 that hopefully will do the trick. No slight against cookshack, and Bill and Tony in tech support have been great, very helpful and responsive to all my questions.

Anybody here have experience running there unit through a PID controller?
I run my "other" electric smoker (homemade) with a PID controller. After you get the settings right the PID will keep the temp very constant...usually right on or +/-1 degree. In an insulated smoker like a CS I would expect spot on temp control after the smoker stabilizes.

I use an Auber Instruments PID designed for a Bradley smoker (although my "other" smoker is not a Bradley). This is the one I have:

They have EXCELLENT customer service. They always call/email me back right away. Good product/good people.

You can get a waterproof sensor and use it as a controller for Sous Vide cooking also, if you like that kind of cooking.

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