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We had another successful inspection!
No problems, but the inspector wants me to keep a log of commissary visits, so I'll do that. Just have to have the kitchen manager, or someone who's in charge at the time sign off that I've been there and what I do. All we do at the commissary is dump grey water and refill with fresh water.
One of the things he said they are watching here is that what you advertise is what you sell. Apparently a lot of seafood places are selling catfish for advertised grouper. Now how you could fool someone that way is beyond me, since the two don't taste at all alike. I guess that might be the way they were caught. A grouper lover was offended!
I told Jack that I never want to lie to our inspector. First of all, I'd feel too guilty. Second, he's been around enough to have a feel for people that are "stretching the truth".

One thing I've found that is helpful with him is just telling him I don't know about something. He gives me a free lesson, I feel like I've been to a class. He told me I can call him anytime with any questions I have, but also told me to prepare myself in case he can't be around to vouch for me.

The inspections wear me out, but I get a lot of help from them also.

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