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Hi Ho Neighbors!

Long time no see, lost my password and the lost password link here doesn't work very well. But I finally found the elusive password. Popped in to see what's new. Not much has changed with me, FEC100 still going strong, although I'm thinking of replacing the controller.  How's everyone been?

@Jeeeensy posted:

Been lurking  for a while on n off,  about time I surfaced and said hi,, HI.,...

Have SM 160 ( that's packed up ) will get to looking at is soon to see what the problem is.

Best Regards


HI,., Problem solved,, door switch was gunked up,, a quick spray with electrical cleaner and a pair of long nosed pliers , a few tugs on the button to release it and works perfectly now,,

Last edited by Jeeeensy

Hey All, I've had a cookshack for about 15 years, but haven't been active in the forum for quite awhile.  I only smoke a couple times a year.  I do the usual, pork shoulder, chicken, brisket.  I have recently acquired two sons-in-law that have a competitor's brand smoker that starts with a T******.  They use their smokers a couple times a week for all kinds of stuff.  I felt that I was being "challenged" and now am smoking more often.  Love my smoker and now wonder why I let some much time go by.

Thanks for reaching out.  I have an oldie.  It is a smokette.  Not sure if it is the 020 or the 025.  It is in great shape.  I bought a 5# prime rib to smoke for tomorrow.  I have a couple friends coming over.  I am going to rub it with spices tonight, wrap it,  and let it sit in the fridge overnight.  It is hard to find a recipe for a portion of a prime rib.  After reading several posts, I think I am going to let it come to room temp, and then smoke it at 225F for about 2 hours.  I will use the meat probe and pull it around 100F.  Then, maybe put it in a 450 oven for about 20 min to bring the temp up to 125F.  Does this sound about right?  I am shooting for rare to medium rare.

I sort of do what you are talking about.  I do a salt, pepper, granulated garlic, granulated onion fresh rosemary and thyme rub the night before.  I don't wrap the PR while it is in the fridge.  When I am ready to start it I put the cold PR in the cold smoker and set the smoker temp at 225 degrees.  When the PR reaches 110 degrees internal temp I pull it out of the smoker and put it in a 375 degree oven until it reaches 125 degrees internal temperature.  I pull the PR out of the oven and wrap it in foil and then into a warm cooler for an hour or more.  The reason for doing the cold PR and cold smoker is to get as much time as possible in the smoke.  Give this a read also:  NEW 2010 Prime Rib 101 | Cookshack .

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