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3, 2, 1, Ignition, Blast Off!

Well . . . fired up the AmeriQue this afternoon to smoke the second pork butt left over from the "Cryovac" from Costco. Everything was going super great. I was standing right in front of the smoker, smiling, thinking "Gee wiz this is awesome look at all that smoke! Its just chuggin out all over . . This the most smoke I've ever seen come outta this thing . . . cool!" Then I heard a loud "CLICK" and a "PSSSSHHHHH-WOOOOOSH" I jumped about 3 feet in the air and ended up off the deck out in the yard on the lawn. Scared the c-r-a-p outta me Eeker Everythings fine and I had a good laugh. The internal temp shot up to 250* immediately. I don't think theres anything that can prepare you for the first time that happens . . . wow!

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