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Seeking Tips for Perfecting My Brisket Smoking Technique

Forum: Open Forum
Hello, Cookshack Community! I've recently taken an interest in smoking brisket, and I'm eager to refine my technique to achieve that perfect, melt-in-your-mouth result. While I've had some successes, I’ve encountered a few challenges that I believe many of you might have faced as well. Here are some specific areas where I could use your expertise: Choosing the Right Cut: What are your thoughts on selecting the best brisket cut? I've seen varying opinions on flat vs. point cuts. Which do you...Read More...

To flip or not to flipTo flip or not to flip

The other day I decided to do a rack of St. Louis spares. Just for grins I looked in my notes about my previous smokes. I discovered that I had started with Smokin’ Okie's 101 on how to do ribs then some time in the years following I have moved to just throwing them into the smoker bone side down, until done 4- 6 hrs. here at 7200 ft. I smoke at 225 deg. with a chunk of cherry or apple depending on my mood. So, I decided to give the 101 a try that is: 2 hrs. bone side up flip and spritz with...Read More...
Last Reply By LonzinomakerCS · First Unread Post

PG 1000 hood wobbling side to side

I own a pg 1000 that was manufactured in late 2021. After about 6 or 7 cooks the hood started to loosen up and had more side to side movement when I open the hood. Seems like the weakness is in the way the hood is made in the front corners. Was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and what can I do to fix it? I did see the newer models have more rivets on the front under part of hood (flat piece that below the handle towards the front of hood when open). Would adding another rivet...Read More...
Last Reply By BigT731 · First Unread Post

Could Someone Give me Advice on Smoking Beef Brisket with Cookshack Smokers?

Hello there, I am new to using my Cookshack smoker and could really use some advice from the seasoned veterans in this community. I recently bought a Cookshack SM025; and I am planning to smoke a beef brisket this weekend for a family gathering. I have had some decent success with ribs and chicken; but brisket feels like a whole new challenge; and I want to make sure I get it just right. When choosing a brisket, do you have any recommendations on the ideal size or cut for smoking in the...Read More...
Last Reply By jay1924 · First Unread Post

Intro / First cook on SM025

Hi everyone! I'm finally the very proud owner of a 2009 SM025! I started with a Weber Smokey Mountain 18", then moved to a Traeger, and now I've got the Cookshack. Did the first cook on it this weekend, 3 pack of Costco BB ribs. After reading quite a few posts, I settled on 235 temp and a 3oz chunk of apple wood. I'm used to using a 3-2-1 method on ribs, but this time ran them the whole time just on the rib rack, no foil. I check on them at 3.5hrs, and when I opened the door I lost all the...Read More...
Last Reply By jay1924 · First Unread Post

First Cook on new FEC120

My new fec120 was delivered Monday, 9/16. I was so excited and did a test run of a couple racks of Baby Backs that night. Turned out great. I purchased the 120 to cook for a fund raiser to raise money for repairs to an old community center. That’s what I told my wife anyway. I’ve had several fec smokers including a fec750 and are accustomed to large cooks. My mission was to cook 270# of butts and 80 racks of baby backs in two days. The five rib racks that I ordered didn’t get delivered until...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

help fixing 2 IQ5 FEC 120 pellet grills

I have 2 iq5's that i am fixing for a friend that have been in storage for a while. Hank starts up and i can start a cook program, all the fans are going, 240v is going to the ignitor but thats not heating utp. But i have replaced lots of ignitors before, and it is getting 240v. But the auger motor is not moving and i cannot measure any voltage accross it. Can anyone suggest the first place to start? These are my first IQ5's to fix. The 2nd iq5 Patsy she starts, and i can start a program,...Read More...
Last Reply By fireflybbq · First Unread Post

Steak on a stick.

Let's get this forum moving again! I'll start... Picked up a nice rack of short ribs at the local store. On sale for $3.99/lb. Gave them a good coat of Tatonka Dust & 407BBQ rub. Into the FEC they go. Two hours at 200 for some extra smoke then up to 250 for the remainder of the smoke. But they were taking a while, so near the end I cranked it up to 350 to get them done. Damn things took close to nine hours. Longest they've ever taken. Usually it's six to seven hours. Never know which way...Read More...
Last Reply By Iron Smoker · First Unread Post

Beef back ribs - success (Pics)

Had done beef ribs a couple times with variable results. Impulse buy at grocery store for some good looking beef back ribs. Came home to read up on the forum and found some folks discouraged beef back ribs due to lack of meat and difficulty removing the membrane. Membrane was difficult to get started but came off relatively easy once it was started. Rubbed with Mccormicks garlic pepper and Butchers premium rub. Same basic combo I use for brisket. Into cold AQ smoker set to 225 with hickory...Read More...
Last Reply By Iron Smoker · First Unread Post

Wet Aging

Forum: Beef
Got a PM asking about Wet Aging and so thought I'd bring it here to discuss as we've got a thread going for Dry Aging. Aging ONLY applies to beef, not chicken or pork Wet aging has really grown in use by Restaurants over the last 10 years for one reason; less waste. WHY? Aging is supposed to intensify the flavors SHOULD I AGE? Ah, good question grasshopper. I find, that the more complicated the recipe the less important it is. If you're going to cover the beef in complicated rubs and sauces...Read More...
Last Reply By Iron Smoker · First Unread Post

Turkey Brine ???

Forum: Turkey
I've got to brine a few turkeys next month, I'm thinking the number will turn out to be 150-200 14-15lb'ers. My questions are: 1)What is the minimum time in the brine to get acceptable results? Will 12 hours be enough, or do I need to plan on 24 or more? It would be great if I could more or less match the brine time to the cook time so I can push these turkeys out quick, but quality is my priority. 2)Can I reuse the brine? I'm expecting to do 3-4 batches of turkeys back to back. I could add...Read More...
Last Reply By Iron Smoker · First Unread Post

First cook FEC120

I’m doing a big cook for the local community center this weekend. Serving 15 butts and 20 racks of St Louis ribs Saturday and again on Sunday. Planning on 5 hours @ 250 for ribs and 12 hours at 250 for butts. Cook times seem reasonable? I’ve got 4 rib racks and planned on 5 ribs per rack. Reasonable? Never used the racks before. I owned a fec100 and are used to rotating the meat. However I bought the fec120 to keep from rotating. Is rotating necessary? Any pointers greatly appreciated ThanksRead More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

whole chicken smoke

Forum: Poultry
I was watching the video below and nooticed that the chicken was put in the smoker without preheat. Is this correct? Doesnt this expose the meat to the "early" smoke which Ive read is more harsh in flavor. I've preheated for all my smokes so far. Thanks for any thoughts. More...
Last Reply By fbp · First Unread Post

Low Temperature Smoking Techniques

Forum: Open Forum
Formerly used a Big Chief for smoking brined salmon. At 65F ambient, interior temperature would max out at 165F. Technique was to use three pans of alder chips (2 hours smoking) and then 3-4 hours with no smoke to finish drying process. Perfect results. Have never been able to duplicate this in my SM066. Temperature is hit in about 40 minutes and smoke stops. Results at 5-6 hours has same doneness and little smoke flavor. I've tried the cold smoke baffle (no ice) and get about an hour of...Read More...
Last Reply By Kern · First Unread Post

Pretty close to saying I am sorry I bought it.... FEPG500

Ok, so I thought I did enough homework to justify buying the FEPG over a Traeger Crapco roadshow Chinesium special. Well I am at about 10 cooks in. the FEPG is a good grill above 300 degrees. I can't get it to go low and slow, e.g 170-180. Tried the factory set 10-50, and changed that to 10-30. Got 6o degree overshoots on 170 degress turned some $15/lb wild salmon into Jerky. Low and slow is important to me..... Any suggestions are appreciated. The other problem I have is bridging, Running...Read More...
Last Reply By usj · First Unread Post

SM008 Modifications

Has anyone successfully upgraded one of their electric smokers to use an off the shelf available Thermostat controller. I love that I can go as low as 100 deg to do things like jerky etc. But i would also like to go as high as 500 deg so i can use this to bake with. Having the ability to take a pie or any type of baked goods to the next level with some smoke flavor is what I'm looking to achieve. would the heating element need to be upgraded as well?Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Cleaning question

I have read several posts about cleaning using the find feature and I see most people suggest cleaning with Greased Lighting. I have been using some Simple Green on the exterior just to get my finger smudge marks off and was wondering would this stuff work inside? I keep a 1 part to 10 part water solution in a spray bottle and it works wonders on the outside. I am 8 smokes in on my new smokette and have only wiped the inside down with paper towels. I have washed the racks every time but...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post


Forum: Open Forum
I've been playing around with the carnivore diet for about 13 months. It's been pretty good just eating beef, butter, bacon, eggs, and salt. I've dropped 42 pounds and still have a few more to go. In my last post, I took ground beef, eggs, and butter and blended them into a batter and cooked them like pancakes. Very delicious. Tonight, I made carnivore bread. It consist of eggs, egg white powder, gelatin, baking soda, yeast, and heavy cream. It is quite shocking the end results. The bottom...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

FEC 750 augers not getting power

I’ve owned an FEC 750 for several years. It’s been flawless. I went to turn it on this weekend and it wouldn’t get hot. Opened the firebox to see what was going on, and discovered there were no pellets in the fire pot. Come to find out the augers weren’t getting power. No, they’re not jammed with wet pellets. Yes the fans, igniters, and rotisserie motor is working fine. I called cook shack and was told how to reset the IQ5 board. Still no power to the augers. There’s an LED panel on the...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Sausage failure again

Forum: Sausage
Humor me by listening to my long tale of woe. I started smoking sausage severl years ago with a WSM - could not learn to control temperature, and smoking sausage was a failure. Purchased a MES and experienced the same overshoot of temperatures and fat out sausages. Gave up, but kept my Weber for grilling. Purchased a RecTeq RT-1250 pellet grill, and it works quite well for low-and-slow cooking, but the lowest temperature setting is 180℉. Too hot for sausage. Now I have a slightly used...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Baby Back Ribs Smoke Temp

<accidentally deleted my prior post... so reposting here!> Hi everyone! I've read through every single forum post on baby back ribs and the general consensus seems to be to smoke at either 225F (will take around 4-6 hours) or 250F (will take around 3-5.5 hours) with 2-3 oz wood. Has anyone experimented with both temps, and which did you prefer & why? Also, in case it's helpful for those looking for baby back guidance I've copy and pasted my notes from all of the various members on...Read More...
Last Reply By idahomike · First Unread Post

Delete and Ban

Forum: Open Forum
There has been a spate of inappropriate posts. Some have been adult oriented and resulted in an immediate ban. Some links are just not remotely related to bbq/smoking . I will delete a link on the first occurance and/or ban the poster for plagiarism.. A repeat foreign language link, not to mention gaming and other non bbq/smoking links will result in a ban. If someone wants to post about a piece of related gear - grinder, stuffer, knife for prep and slicing, experience with vacuum sealing...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

First time summer sausage.

Forum: Sausage
I decided to try my first batch of elk/pork summer sauge for some Christmas appetizers. Used Cabelas mix but cut it in half just in case. First step started at 10:30 with door ajar and temp hovered around 90-110 deg. After 1.5 hours my casings were tacky so I added wood and shut the door temp set at 140(lowest setting on smokette). Increased temp every two hours by 10 degree increments. Hit 180 and left alone waiting on the internal to reach 160. Checked temp every two hours all night long...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Overnight brisket 16/20 hour.

Hi everyone, Andrew Hayes here. (professional chef, Brisbane Australia) FEC240(2022) Hello and thank you for this wonderful forum. i have been looking for an overnight brisket method that was suitable for our establishment(lunch times only). and i couldn't find a suitable method on the forum(one that starts their meat just after lunch 3pm ready for next lunch service), so i have spent the last 5 months getting this right and ill post it here. This is a wrap, or no wrap method and the oven...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Pork Belly

In light of the recent posts I decided to share a recent success. I noticed Costco always has whole and sliced pork bellies. I have used the whole ones for bacon but decided to pick up a sliced belly package. I spread them out and dusted both sides of them with the "Right Stuff" from Texas BBQ rub. Straight into a 225 degree smoker on frog mats for 2.5 hours. I never intended on eating them for that night's dinner. I did snack on one and it was delicious. No I had plans for the next night. I...Read More...
Last Reply By jay1924 · First Unread Post

Fast Eddie FEC240

Hi Guys, new member here. I’ve been smoking for a long time on log burner smokers and recently had an opportunity to work on a FEC120. I was pleased with the results and ease of use. I found a used FEC240 for $5000. It seems pretty clean. Build in 2013. Tha question is - is it worth it or should I save for a new one? Also if I buy used what is the most expensive part to replace? TIARead More...
Last Reply By ChefIvo · First Unread Post

HOT message on temperature box

Just used brand new new cooker for the first time. After some time the thermostat box on top of cooker starts to say HOT. I'm thinking-yes, it is hot. IT'S AN OVEN. Then, unbeknownst to me, the cooker shut itself down at some point and my cook was ruined. Super disappointed. This is an expensive piece of kit. I had very high hopes for it. Now it’s basically an expensive and oily piece of scrap metal.Read More...
Last Reply By fbp · First Unread Post

Holding Cooler with a Sous Vide heater

Forum: Open Forum
Greetings fellow CookShackers. I know the SM066 has a hold feature BUT it is only for six hours, and I know that I can set the temp to 145 or 150 and walk away as well. I have been searching far and wide on the internet for holding oven ideas without dropping 4500 bucks on a real holding oven. My plan is to hold briskets at 150 degrees for at least 24 hours prior to serving. I am doing brisket over the Memorial Day weekend. In the spirit of American exceptionalism, I discovered a Canadian...Read More...
Last Reply By oldsarge · First Unread Post

Venison Burgers

Anyone have a recipe for making some? Going through the freezer and found one package of ground venison I have left. Figure I'll need to add some fat to them. I think they would be pretty dry otherwise. Beef or pork fat? I've used the ground venison for chili & "Bambi Helper" before, both of which are very good BTW. But thought I'd try some burgers this time around.Read More...
Last Reply By jay1924 · First Unread Post

Fire in the Hole

First off let me assure you that I plan on calling Cookshack on this but I would like to know if this is common. I did a 12 hour cook on my FEC-100 at 224 degrees until the meat hit a target temp. I then dropped the cook temp to 140 on the IQ4 controller. There it stayed within several degrees of 140 until I turned it off after 2 hours. I pulled the meat and shut the door for the unit to cool. Coming out 3 hours later I noticed smoke coming out of the chimney. (An elbow and 5 feet of...Read More...
Last Reply By babakevin · First Unread Post