well, this morning i fire up my smokette with a maverick 732 probe. amazing. smokette reads 225°. maverick read 225°. dead on perfect. going to costco this morning. chicken, ribs and some steak. i am going to use 1/2 the wood. instead of 2 oz of apple i will use 1 oz. the only thing i can think of is that my pellet grills dont give this much smoke out although they but out alot of smoke the smokette really puts out smoke in a small area. not given up yet. the wood in the smoke box everytime is ash. just white ash. good right? i will try putting the wood in a different spot in the woodbox to see if that makes a difference. i'm trying. oh, my coil is not level if that matters. the right side is higher than the left side. i called cookshack last week and the gentleman i was talking to said that it shouldnt make a difference. oh pags, the wood is bone dry.