Bought it in Dec and have smoked about once a week since I got it.
It started out as the probe showing 200° when I started the smoker.
So, I would unplug the probe from the controller and use the timer till the smoker warmed up, then plug the probe back into the controller, then the reading would be correct.
Started it yesterday doing the same thing, then this morning when I came out and the temp was dropping. Moved the Pork Shoulder to the oven and saved the 20 lbs of pork.
Cookshack was great, I called around 0900 EDT and I guess customer service doesn't open till 0900 CDT, so I left a message. Got a call back from Cookshack about 0915 CST.
Talked to Bill, told him the symptoms and he said he would send a controller and a new probe.
Wayne B