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Reply to "Any BAKED BEANS from scratch in Smokette?"

Boston baked beans and Basic New Engalnd style are similar.

The major difference is the type of dried bean that is used, and maybe the addition to some good grade B maple syrup. One has to realize that there are many different kinds of dried beans. We basically use Soldier Beans, but there are also Jacobs Cattle, Red Kidney, etc. Most of the old ways are using Heirloom seeds. I plant my own , although the stores here sell the more common ones used. In some parts of the country, I will admit it is hard to find the good older varieties. Need to do a search or know the right people to get them. The old style beans are not really cheap, and a comment before about being able to buy good dry beans for $.50 is way out of line. They normally go for about 3.50 per two pound bag. I will admit that is more than buying ready prepared in some store when on sale, but there are sacrifices to make in life for the proper things. It all depends on ones willingness to adhear to tradition and flavor.

peartree51 (Dennis)