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Bad smoke

Hi All!
Been browsing this forum since I got my SM025. I seasoned the chamber as instructed. I started off smoking 2 steaks as an experiment. We are ranchers and grow our own beef, so I selected a couple of nice T-Bones. On one I used a liquid rub that we use on our prime rib in the oven. On the other, just salt and pepper. Threw them in the smoker at 225 degrees for 55 minutes (145 degrees meat temp) and finished them by searing them on a hot grill. The hickory smoke coming from the smoker smelled very good. The one with the liquid rub didnt absorb any smoke, so that was a bad idea. The other one turned out sooooooo gooooood!!! Fast forward to the problem; Confident that I wasn't going to screw up, the next night I put 3 T-bones in to smoke. Salt and peppper only. The wood chunk that I had used before (2 oz.) was only charred a little on one side, so I used it again. I flipped it over so the un-charred side was down toward the element. Started smoker, went to break water open for the cows. Came back and the smoke smell was BAD. Smelled just like someone burning garbage, paper, etc. I finished the steaks just like the previous ones but could smell that bad smoke all the way through the process. I ate one ( I was HUNGRY), and it was nasty. Threw the other two into the garbage. I know you shouldnt do it but I cleaned the inside of the smoker to get that smell out. I just cant inagine that slightly used piece of wood would have done that, but has anyone else had this problem?
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