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Reply to "Brisket Cut/Grade"

OMG. If the Porterhouse steaks were an example of this guy's meats, I'm in for a real treat when I smoke the brisket at the end of next week. That was the best steak we've grilled in the 30 years we've been in California. I guess he was accurate when he smiled at me and said, "You're going to enjoy this meat."

This may be the best cut of meat my grill has seen, and even though this guy's prices are a little higher, I've, at least, found my source for both brisket and meat for special occasions.

nmaggie69, thanks for steering me to IGA for a brisket. Even though our IGA doesn't carry brisket, it was the IGA Meat Manager that recommended this meat house to me. Never would have found it without you.