Pork butts are cheap,so catch them at $1.25/lb,cook a couple large 2 pacs.
Take him one whole,when he and the ass't mngr will be working,around mealtime.
A small bottle of Smokin's Vinegar sauce.
A small shaker of rub.
Have it wrapped hot,open the foil,break it down in a couple mins for them ,in the opened foil.
Give it a light sprinkle of rub and a few squirts of sauce.
Let them toss it with their hands ,and stand there and eat.
Thank them for their help.
You ARE now the MAN.
You'll be amazed how many cases of just marked down meats ,fish,and poultry come your way.
Your phone calls always get answered.
Amazing, what less than $15 product and a little personal touch,along with a COOKSHACK,can accomplish.
Remember,they won't EVER get a butt like that!
You can ask,how all us old guys know this.