If that works for you, that's fine. But I think you'll get a lot of comments from "smokers" that you're just not doing the brisket justice.
Braising is close enough to foiling that you're really missing the point of smoking. With the fat up and the meat down, it will get almost no smoke to it. All of that extra stuff will give you a more pot roast taste than a true brisket taste.
Have you try the traditional method and it didn't work and just prefer this method?
Traditional would be rub, put it in the smoker, take it out at 195 and slice.
I would modify your method and start with the brisket just natural, rub and fat up on middle shelf. Let it go to 180.
Me, I wouldn't foil. And if you've never done one without foil, it's hard to judge your success. If you HAVE to braise it, I would go with Tom's method of adding the liquid when you wrap it and take it to 195. Leave out the rosemary (add to your rub if you want) and the other stuff, just add some liquid (broth, not fruit juice)
Your method will give you a braised roast, but it just won't be brisket. The method will certainly work and certainly give you a finished product, I just wouldn't classify it as a Smoked Brisket.
Hope that helps.
p.s. Next time, try a new thread. You're basically thread-jacking, (not a punishable offense) but what happens is your good info gets lost in someone else's post and we like for people to share good questions like yours.