Thanks for the kind words.
I thought about it and the only problem a newbie is likely to make that would result in a bad result is if they had a bad insertion point for the therm probe. I know it takes about 9 hours to cook 2 8# butts in my smoker, so if the beeper goes off 4 hours into the cook, I know something is wrong and I go down and re-insert the probe. Usually I'll watch the temp drop from 190* to 160* or so and then I go back to bed. Someone that didn't know better or didn't remember how long their last butts took to get done might pull the meat out of the smoker and have themselves some really bad eating. Then they post and say their butt which cooked to 195* was raw and tough and they don't understand why. But beyond that, I can't think of a problem that is likely to crop up and destroy someone's food. These cookers are absolutely reliable and foolproof in my opinion.