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Brisket Photo Report

My first cook on the CS. A packer cut brisket. I trimmed some of the fat, put on a rub and vacuum sealed it for about 8 hrs. At 2200, I put it on at 225 deg., with 2 thermometer probes, my remote and a Taylor digital. I also dropped the probe from my mulitmeter/thermometer, to monitor the internal temp. I moved the shelf supports up to the lower screw holes, so that the lowest shelf support was close to the center of the smoker. I put the shelf on top of the shelf support instead of in the slot, so that it wouldn't touch the thermistor. This put the shelf just about in the center of the smoker at about 9" from the bottom. I put the brisket on, with it folded under to fit the shelf. It took over 16 hrs. to reach 190 deg. At 1500, I double wrapped it in foil and a towel and put it in a warm ice chest for 1 1/2 hrs. That's as long as my wife would wait. The Taylor was 2 deg. higher than the remote through the whole cook until the end and then they both read 190 degrees. The oven temp averaged 225 deg with the usual +/- variation. We don't care for a strong smoke taste that overpowers the taste of the meat, so I used one chunk of apple and one cherry, both about 1 1/4 oz. The smoke taste was just about right for us. Once the brisket was in the smoker, I didn't open it again until the thermometers showed 190 deg. It sliced nicely, without shredding, but was very tender and juicy. I think I sliced it wrong, (parallel to the grain instead of perpendicular), but it didn't seem to make any difference.

The Smokette did a great job and the results exceeded my expectations. It sure is hard not to open the door to check the meat however.

This is my second attempt to post some pictures, so I hope this works better than the first time.



Images (4)
  • Brisket_800x600_640x480
  • Brisket_2_800x600_640x480
  • Brisket_3,_Plated_800x600
  • Brisket_4_800x600
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