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Reply to "Brisket Photo Report"

As the fine cooks above said,"how you get it into the cooker will be the least important part of the process".

It seems like we all try to figure out the EXACT method to do each of our new skills,so as not to make a mistake.

Thus, folks with a 2-3 lb piece of meat,or a chicken breast will turn the process into brain surgery.

Yes,reading all of the fine material is a great education.

Yep,we were all the same way,hoping to be perfect.

I like to turn the process around somewhat and say"what if you had a 65 lb case of briskets, and they need to be done this weekend, to feed 40 hungry cowboys on Sunday night,and we'll accept your best effort".

Some folks may not be fortunate enough to have a cooker designed for briskets,like a Cookshack.

It could be an oil drum,or a log pit-with hawg wire over it.

The folks that have tried to teach Smokin' and I to cook,would say" salt and pepper them,cook as hot as your Smokette will run,wad as much meat inside as the smoke can drift around,open and shift the meat around every few hours,cut them how you have to and get them on the table by feedin' time".

Yes,there will be some things that our notes will tell us to adjust, next time out.

But, the meat will be cooked and served,and the meal will almost always be edible-IF you have a Cookshack. Big Grin

Just a couple thoughts to consider.
Last edited by tom