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Brisket snafu: still safe to eat?

Tossed a brisket in my cookshack this morning. Came back 4 hours later and the cookshack was not working, meat at 87 degrees (taylor probe).

It was working when I started the meat (it was smoking after 20-40 minutes of being started). SO it must have turned off after about an hour or so.

House fuse wasn't blown, outlet GFI wasn't blown. I unplugged and replugged everything and now it's working.

That means the meat sat at around 87-90 degrees for 4:30-5 hours.

If I let it reach 200+ degrees will the meat be safe to eat? Or should I toss it to be safe (I REALLY can't afford to get food posioning this weekend!)

It's a small Costco flat if that matters.
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