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Butts not done

This past weekend at the Bixby contest (my first cook at a contest with the FE and first run with Pork Butt and Brisket), I put my butts (8lbs each) on at normal time, around 2am for my old smoker, and when it cam time to turn in pork, it had only reached 193 degrees. I usually take my butts to around 200. When I took my pork off, it didnt pull like usual. The bone came out with ease, but it didnt wanna pull at all. I cooked my butts on the top shelf the entire time. I foiled at around 170 degrees. My butts are usually ready to pull at least an hour or 2 prior to turn in. Is it the top shelf? Is it cooler up there? I heard that the top shelf was the "hot spot" but it didnt seem that way. Any suggestions?

Funny thing was I took 7th in pork out of 76 teams and after I turned in what i could salvage, I trashed the rest. Good times.

Stu's Q BBQ
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