Mostly what Pags said: I use hi-mountain as well. lay flat, sprinkle on both sides then throw in a bowl to mix it all up to make sure every inch is coated. I then layer it out into a 9 x 13 pan each layer in opposite directions (I think I am just being anal) and then press the whole layers down slightly. I cover the top of the pan with plastic wrap, pop it in the fridge and forget it for 24 hours per 1/4 inch thick. That is exactly what Hi-Mtn says to do. I use an automatic slicer to cut mine to 1/4 inch all the time, so I am always curing for about 24 to 28 hours. It all depends on when it is convenient for me to start smoking it (usually after dinner for me then done around 10:30). A few extra hours isn't gonna hurt anything, but you want to make sure you got at least 24 hrs. I use the QDogg method outlined in the bold post at the top part of the jerky forum. Any other questions, well be here