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Can't lower temperature!

After reading all the posts in the prime rib section I have spent the afternoon cooking a 6# in my CS. Followed the instructions on line - seared in over, reduced the temp on my smoker as probe temp got higher, but when it came time to reduce the smoker to 125 for balance of afternoon I couldn't get the temp down. I opened the door to cool it off - remaining small piece of wood ignites with that much oxygen and my temp panel wouldn't let me go below 140. I've had it at 125 for cold smoking, but today it wouldn't go down. Smoker is in the sun, but it is 80 outside, and I wouldn't think that would make a difference. PR is in my oven tightly wrapped - and I just went outside to check the smoker - out of curiousity - the temp was up to 300. Still set on 140. Could I have a defective temp control??? Thanks for any help - - I am feeling very frustrated right now. Guests coming for dinner - glad it is just family!
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