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Reply to "Dry Brisket"

Both cooks,above,gave workable solutions.

You probably have an Excel cutter,commercial,etc that should have been ground fot burgers.

I don't recommended this for anything-because the smokette cooks really fine briskets.

If all else fails.

Get a cheap plastic syringe from wallyworld.

A can of losalt beef stock from swansons.

Shoot it up,at least 8 hrs before cooking.

Try to get the whole can into a 5-6 lb flat.

Smoke at 225* ,until 165* internal.

Remove and lay on a couple long sheets of HD foil.

Sprinkle a handful of light brown sugar on the foil,and rest the flat on it.

Paint the flat with 1/2 + cup red bbq sauce.

Cookshack mild is the absolute best for this particular technique-but do what you have to.

Sprinkle liberally with Lee and Perrins wooster sauce and sprinkle another handful of brown sugar over the top.

Yeh,yeh,yeh,I know real Texans never use sugar and only cook with salt and pepper. Roll Eyes

Roll the foil tight,with as little air as possible.

Cook at 250* to at least 196* internal and try to run the probe thru the flat.

If it doesn't pass like butter,cook 5* more.

When it does,wrap tightly with insulation, into a small cooler.

Let set at LEAST 3 hrs,before you check it.

Let set on counter,gradually open foil,and let it come close to room temp.

Pour off and defat liquid.

Taste liquid for balance,add water,beef broth,etc until you might like to eat it.

Slice around a pencil thickness,ACROSS the grain.

If tough,slice thinner,if too tender,slice thicker.

Set out a Shiner Bock,and 3-4 oz of a moderate gold tequila.

Fire up a little Tulsa Swing,drink both while you slice and serve.

It won't be the best you'll ever serve,but it will be the best they ever ate. Wink