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Reply to "Elite info not in the manual"

Originally posted by Scott E:
I just received my first CS, a Smokette Elite (bought this size so it will fit into a storage bay on my RV...) I tried to season it last night and had two issues; it immediately tripped the GFI and once I moved it to a non-GFI outlet it fired up to 235 degrees when set to 200. I called CS this morning and learned two things that would be very handy in the manual and I didn't see this info on any older posts (yes, I searched first!)

1. According to the gentleman I spoke with, some of the heating elements have residual moisture from the manufacturing process. This is what causes the immediate GFI trip. He indicated that I should run it for at least two hours on a non-GFI outlet to dry it out. I did so and it works like a charm now on GFI outlets.

2. I was worried that the thermostat was way off due to the discrepancy between displayed temp and programmed temp. He also informed me that the Elites have logic in them to run the heating element for 20 minutes when first powered on. This causes them to potentially climb above the programmed temp at first but then they will settle down. Again, I tried it first thing this morning and it does exactly that.

I also do like the indicator on the display ("dot" in the lower right corner) letting you know when it is powering the element.


I had the same problem and it was quite disheartening. But between the forum and calling CS I worked throught it.

Smoked a 9.70# PB for 16hrs for company over the weekend and everyone agreed it was the best PB they ever ate.

I just set the temp on my SM025 for 225 and walk way. I check and log the time and temp throughout the cook but never make any adjustments.

What a smoker!
