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First brisket in my Amerique

Did my first packer brisket in the AmeriQue this weekend; weighed in at 12.14 pounds. I did minimal trimming of fat; sprinkled evenly with kosher salt, medium ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, onion powder, garlic powder; let this rest in frige for 24 hours. Double probed; one in flat and one in point; set AmQ to 225 and flat probe to 190. Started around 7 p.m. last night using 8 ounces of JD oak chips. Decided to split the flat and point as I've seen recommened here on the CS forum and found this nice video that illustrates separating the flat and point. After instant probing the flat around 10 a.m. this morning decided to take it out with temp of 185 at the thick end. Split off point, which was at 167, and returned to the AmQ until it reached a temp of 200. Results are great thanks to the CS forum.

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