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First Brisket Misgivings

I use a Brinkman that is difficult to maintain temperature and using charcoal with soaked mesquite chunks for smoke. The 10 lb brisket has been in for 15 hours (since 3pm yesterday). I was shooting for 250 degrees and kept it there for about 6 hours and then over night (checking every 90 min) it stayed at 200. So I placed a healthy amount of coals on this morning to get it back to 250. My chinese temp probe (which I do not trust) says the meat is 130 degrees inside right now. It was at 147 after six hours. But overnight it went down. The probe goes in very easily.
My question: Is this meat safe to eat if its really only 130 degrees? The meat is really nice and black and dripping slowly. It was on the rack right next to the cooking compartment on the left. Also had a pan of water inside which I had to fill 2x. Any advice is appreciated.
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