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Reply to "Five slot side racks"

So which rib rack is better... no idea. The ribs fit on the cookshack rack the same way they do on the charcoal store - They sit in a Vertical Plane rather than flat on a rack. The cookshack one will also hold 7 slabs. The only difference is the charcoal store racks have more metal making the rack a "box" where the cookshack one has the angled pieces on each side.

I agree the cookshack ones look a little confusing in the pictures (optical illusion), but they work just the same and I've been happy with them.

One more thing on adding shelves... with three shelves you are adding capacity to reach only about 3 slabs... with the racks you get 7 and 1)its cheaper than buying the racks and extra grates, and 2) all the ribs sit in a more "temperature" neutral location, rather than some being closer to the fire box etc.

Just my two cents.

SM020 will cook ribs well either way!
