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Freezing Smoked Chicken

Looking for input on freezing chicken. Come late September or early October we will be having a get together with about 50-60 people. I would like to do some yardbirds ahead of time, freeze them and thaw and serve as needed. I have some questions and am open to other suggestions as well.

1. How long will chicken keep in a freezer and not get freezer burn or taste/odor? I plan to wrap in plastic wrap and double ˜freezer Zip-Loc" bag em.

2. Thaw naturally (in the fridge) or toss them in boiling water to reheat? Want to stay away from the danger zone!

3. Should I smoke pieces or whole birds?

Any other suggestions?

TIA for your help! Big Grin

PS The reason I will not be smoking the birds just before the get together is that I will probably be doing butts and/or briskest a few days before. This is a 2-3 day event.
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