L.A --You are probably correct. It may not be gristle. It may have been just "marbled to the hilt". Either way, I could not stand it. Too much fat for me. It seemed that every single piece that I cut from tie brisket had to be mainured individually to be edible. I do not mind a little fat here and there, but it seems as if the briskets I am getting at Albertsons are just loaded. I am not at all opposed to cooking it more to get rid of more of it. I am cooking to about 195 and they are done, no probs there. Don't get me wrong, the flavor, seasoning, doneness all seem to be spot on. But, every single piece is real fatty...did I say ick?? LOL.
The ribs, pulled pork and chicken knock my socks off. Maybe I will stay with them!