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Reply to "Getting tired of the fat in brisket"

Originally posted by stevegardner:
but it seems as if the briskets I am getting at Albertsons are just loaded.

I'd bet that it was select as best.

Maybe we need to get more specific with our comments so we can help. Trying to dissect a brisket via the internet is tough enough.

Next time you do a brisket, take some photos and show us where you're having problems. You indicating fat/gristle is an issue where no one has gone before.

And maybe we need to talk about specifics because I never get fat/gristle that runs THROUGH the meat (the brisket muscle doesn't work that way)

You will get fat all over the outside, and in the layers between the point/deckle and the flat, but that's easy enough.

Is it the Flat or the Point that's got a lot of fat?

If it's the point, trim it off at 195, and take the flat out and wrap it. Put the point back in to finish smoking until it hits at least 210 or even 215. That piece has a lot of fat running through it.
