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Reply to "How critical is cooking temperature?"


Okay, you asked and I'll tell you.


I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head. We're trying to overanalyze a simple machine that has worked well for over 35 years.

BUT...this is our friendly forum and we'll try to help the curious and new owners through this issue. If it's broke, CS fixes it.

We're trying to overthink how this thing works. Now, granted, since it's an electrick smoker, you want to be sure it's working, but that should be by average temp with a dial setting. Also, given electronics in the smokette, I'm not sure what the +/- is, but that's your point.

I agree with you TJR.

I like to keep my smoker above 200 and other than that, I'm not too worried. For Ribs and Brisket I set it at 225. For butts and chicken in my 150 I'll set it at 250, even 275. But that difference in the higher temp isn't critical, I just like to run my smoker "hotter" for those things.

Tom's right, the comp cooks like to keep the spikes out and the CS does that automatically (unless it's broke).

I understand the new owners curiosity about the fluctuations, but guys, it's been working for over 35 years as advertised and there are 1,000's of posts about how good it works.

Let's get into the details of what's working. Are you satisfied with the results -- Great. Not satisfied? Tell us what's not working and this forum has helped MANY new owners overcome the learning curve and make fantastic Q.

I'm not trying to upset the curious about how the machine works, I just really like to work on making my own Q better and helping others do the same.

From my Friendly Soapbox!
