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how long can pulled pork last

Hi Fourm,

How long can you double foil and wrap pulled pork , once it is taken from smoker. If the internal temp. is at 195 when it comes out , can you foil and place in cooler for 6 or 7 hrs. If after the time that it is in the cooler will the pork pull when you go to unwrap it. Does it pull when it's cool or cold??? or with it being that long in cooler will the pork dry out?????

I have been on a roll with picnic shoulder roasts coming out super every time. Want to do one for a friend , and was wondering how long it can stay it cooler before he gets a chance to eat it.

Would it be a better idea if I would only smoke cook it until it reaches a internal temp of say 185. And then double foil and put in cooler for an unlimited time. Your Thoughts ,

Also , would be very interested in doing a brisket. Is there any suggestions on this piece of meat. I have been reading alot on forum about this , sometimes it doesn't come out very good.

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