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Reply to "how long can pulled pork last"

As I remember no known bacteria is supposed to survive 160� for 60 secs.

Of course,if you have toxins from the bacteria,200� won't destroy it.

Everything is to degrees and yes adding back in your juice in the foil will help.

Many pro kitchens would consider unsalted chicken stock.

If it is already pulled,cooled, and reheated it is just a saucing question IMO.

I am not a serious vendor,just help those that are.

Often the vendors,that are heating to 165�,are then cleaver chopping in larger chunks for public sale.

A mix of 1/2 sauce & 1/2 apple juice is very common among vendors.[once it is pulled and out for the public]

As you know holding is usually a culprit, to some degree.

Most like to get it off heat as soon as it gets pullable,maybe 192�-195�,if it will be held a few hours.

To eat immediately,you might go 205� or above.

When you add liquid back to the foil with a whole butt,it will draw some back into it.

Of course the 250� liquid is all the while steaming away the bark.

Everything is a tradeoff,so I prefer not to overcook it to start with.

Eke was trying to present his "best" to a friend,so it is a little different discussion.

We also have to trust that he handled the cooling and reheating correctly.