Cappy, you need to go to a web hosting site such as, that's the one I use. It's free, all you have to do is register.
You then load your pics to that site. Once you have them loaded you will see under the pic a few different ways to load them elsewhere. You want to use the one that says [IMG]. You will need to bounce back and forth a little when posting them here, but once you get through it a few times it's reall quite easy.
When you go to make a post here you will see in the upper right corner of the posting window a square with a picture in it. Hit that and then paste your link inside of what it inserts in your post. ( [IMG][IMG] )
I hope I'm clear enough in this post to get you started, if not try e-mailing me and I'll work with you on it. It's really not that tough. Good Luck!