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Intro / First cook on SM025

Hi everyone! I'm finally the very  proud owner of a 2009 SM025!

I started with a Weber Smokey Mountain 18", then moved to a Traeger, and now I've got the Cookshack.

Did the first cook on it this weekend, 3 pack of Costco BB ribs. After reading quite a few posts, I settled on 235 temp and a 3oz chunk of apple wood.

I'm used to using a 3-2-1 method on ribs, but this time ran them the whole time just on the rib rack, no foil.

I check on them at 3.5hrs, and when I opened the door I lost all the smoke and it never really started smoking again for the rest of the cook. At 3.5hrs I'm used to the ribs having more color than these did, but I stuck with it and trusted the process.

Took them off at 5.5hrs, and they were somehow tender and dry at the same time LOL. Hard to describe. I thought they had a great taste, but definitely not the best I've made.  I think I may go back to 3-2-1 with foil on the next cook and see if that gives a juicier result.

*EDIT: I forgot to mention that the SM025 tripped every GFI outlet I plugged it into. After finally moving it to a non-GFI outlet in the garage it worked fine. Would love to find a fix for that so I can use it in my BBQ area.

Any feedback is welcome, but I think after some more cooks and experimentation I'll be back to putting out some great meals!

Last edited by Swayze
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