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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Hi everybody,

I'm Chris from Cleveland, Ohio. You might not know it, but Clevelanders are absolutely fanatical about barbequed ribs. The summer months around here are packed with rib cookoffs, some of which draw contestants from all over the world. Because of this, I like to think I've been exposed to some of the best barbequed ribs on the planet. But you know what (I knew there was point here somewhere)? Since I've had my Smokette, I can honestly say that the bones coming out of that little box are as good, if not better, than any others I've ever tried.

I'm glad I've discovered this new hobby 'cause my golf game sure sucks!

Bravo to you CS people for such a fine product, and to everyone in this forum for all the wonderful advice and good cheer!

Chris Bindel