quote:Originally posted by GottaQ:
[qb]Hi from Rochester NY. Recovering from second degree burns on face and arms, singed hair and lost eyebrows. All in the name of Q.Have been smoking on a Weber gas grill. Soaked chips in a cast iron pan set on burner grates below ribs. Worked well but couldn't get "low and slow". At lowest temp (200), chips didn't smoke. Solution: 5 gal metal bucket with lid, cut a door in the side with hinge,a hole in the top for flexible 4" duct. Small camp stove sat inside to heat the iron pan with chips. All this was ducted to a hole cut in the side of Weber. On paper it looked good. Weber supplies low heat and the bucket provides the smoke. The damned thing nearly blew up. The stove over heated and turned into a blow torch. Tried to open the door to shut off stove and well.. see first sentence. Next day tore it apart and replaced stove with a burner fed by propane tank OUTSIDE of the bucket. Worked great, low and slow with lost of smoke. Wonderful ribs, and a Butt.But, it needed a LOT of tending.
Final solution:bought a Smokintex, which in my novice brain I thought WAS a Cookshack. Well I must have lucked out and got one of the last Made in USA 'Tex ovens. I understand Cookshack doesn't make them for 'Tex any longer and the 'Tex now comes from off-shore. Had I known I would have spent the same money directly with CS on a Smokette.[/qb]
Hi, GottaQ,
Okay, we'll let you slide by this time.

Thanks for introducing yourself, and thanks to the many people who have unlurked and introduced themselves in this thread. We are glad to have each and every one of you.
Happy New Year!
Donna Johnson
Cookshack, Inc.