My name is Pete and I'm a carnivore. More of an omnivore, really. I live in SoCal, and when not inflicting Barbecue experiments on friends, I edit reality TV shows like Unsolved Mysteries.
I'm a member of PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals) and a founding member of the Thundering Dummies Motorcycle Club - Ride to Eat...(What good is a motorcycle if it can't take you someplace to eat?)
The license plate on my truck reads FOODLUM...I'm hungry and I'm in a bad mood, so just get out of the way...
Owned a Cajun Chef water smoker for years. Just got my Smokette and I couldn't be more pleased with the Q it turns out. The Official Works Tomato and Supreme Pit Tootsie (The Wife, sometimes known as the Ultimate Motorcycle Accessory), has given it her "I Don't Like Smoked Foods, But This is Good" Seal of Approval. What more can a man ask for? (well, this is a family forum...)
By the way, this forum, you nice people and the great advice and recipes was the reason I chose to spend my money on Cookshack...but you knew that...