Hi there, as you may tell from the moniker, I live in Idaho, the northern panhandle, squinched between Spokane, Washington and Missoula, Montana. Just got my first smoker from the wife for Christmas, a Smokette, and have already smoked three batches of jerky, two salmon, and am prepping for 10 pounds of baby back ribs tomorrow for dinner.
I am an Aries, into cultural sensitivity, rainbows, Ms. Cleo, Bob Ross and puppy dogs...NAH Just kidding, I am stoked (pun intended) about smokin. My gig is technology sales management, I have been in the tech game for 15 years and hope someone acquires my company so I can retire on the stock options.
This board has been extremely helpful with regard to recipes tips and tricks...you guys just flat out rock.
Thanks much, I look forward to a fleet of Cookshack smokers somewhere down the road.