Hi, everyone, my name is Rich, and I am addicted to bbq (just ask my wife!) I live in California with my wife and two girls (3.5 yrs and 20 months.) I have been grilling outdoors for about 20 years (and I'm only 34), and working on my low 'n' slow technique for the last four or so (with most of my "practice" coming in the last year.)
My current cooking arsenal includes a weber kettle which I have modified, and a Klose offset. I will be getting a ceramic cooker in April which will take on all of my grilling duties as well as cooking low 'n' slow (the Weber needs some work!) Here's my modified Weber:

If I can figure out a way to sneak one into the backyard and keep it concealed, I'm very impressed by all the things I hear about the Cookshack units. Until then, I look forward to sharing tips, techniques and recipes with all of you.
Happy Q'in to you from California!
Rich G