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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Hi everybody, I am a new member, was given an ECB a few weeks back, so I decided to get on the net for info, and boy did I find some. I live in the heartland, "The Racing Capitol Of The World", 25 years as a Hoosier, transplanted from the Left Coast. The funny thing is that until I found the "World of Smokin'", I had never even heard of a CookShack. Now I have to have one. I am pushing for Christmas Big Grin . Untill then, I am going to have to limp along on the ECB. Maybe if I screw up a few good pieces of meat, and complain about not having consistenent cooking temps because of the coals, it will help my cause Wink

Nice to meat you all!!

Indy Al