I'm Ray 'teller from the "Deep Creek" section of Chesapeake, Va. I retired 4/2/01 from the IBEW (43 years) and Ford Motor co (30 years. I started @ FORD as an Electrician and worked the last 12 years as a Safety Engineer.
I've been lurking on this site for about 3 yrs. Really impressed with all the assistance that you guys (& Gals) offer. I made my mind up last year that the only smoker for me would be a Cookshack, but never could justify the Cost.
This past Friday ( my 64 th B-day) I stopped in a local pool & Hot tub dealer. They were closing out on their Grill section. They had a slightly used 008 model for $400.00. I went home, and after some thought, called them back and asked if they would take $350 for it. After discussion w/the owner they called & said "come get it. Cleaned it & it looks brand new! Hope to go to BJ's tomorrow & get smokin shortly.