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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Hello Everyone!
I am a new owner of a CS Smokette! I am smoking my first butt and I am waiting for it to get ready! I put it on at midnight at 220 and I have now raised the temp to 225. It is at 152 and I still have a ways to go! It sure was nice to get to sleep through the night and not have to check on the charcoal or water! I STILL got up to make sure it was still smoking! It is cold here believe it or not so the windows are shut and I cannot smell it inside! NO, I have not opened the door to peek in BUT I HAVE been tempted so I just keep reading the posts on the site! hehehehehe
I have experience smoking with charcoal and gas so this is a real treat! I love the fact it is insulated which will be really awesome in the winter especially when it is in the low teens here!
This site is awesome just really need to learn how to do the searches so I don't have to keep asking stupid and repetative questions! I am beginning to question if I should have gotten the Ameri Q as I do think this is going to be addictive!!! heheheehehe

Good Luck and thanks for the awesome Forum!!!