Phil Foreman from Southeastern Ohio. I was out looking for information on nitrites and nitrates for one of our buddies using TenderQuick for his pork loin ham and darned if I didn't end up here! Glad I did too. Terrific site you got here. Somebody with horsepower sees this I'd like to link your site to ours. We are small, do all sorts of cooking. Most of it out of doors. We are also hunters, fishers, campers, but mostly cooks. I'll be a regular here if you don't mind. I like to swap information and I like to ask lots of questions. I do not do any competition cooking but have been published in a half dozen cook books and have a little over a hundred personally developed recipes of all varieties that I'm happy and willing to share. With hunting season just around the corner I suspect there will be a lot of sausage, ham, bacon, and backstrap recipes on here pretty soon! I'd like to give you all a friendly invitation to come visit me and my buddies at Ohio Camp Cooks too. Like I said, we are small, but we are friendly and we are free. Maybe there is already something on our forums that will do somebody here some good. You are welcome to it of course.