Greetings from Springfield, Oregon! Sravaka checkin in here with my first post. I actually just talked the wife into letting me get an AmeriQue, how I did it I'm still not sure, so I'm going to order it Monday before she has a chance to change her mind. I have an outdoor kitchen on a covered deck with a TEC (Thermal Engineering Corp) Sterling G2000 FR infrared grill that I absolutley love and an outdoor gas fireplace all piped into the house gas supply but I have been wanting to get a smoker for a long time and I can't wait to get my AmeriQue! I know my profile says that I already have the smoker but I was just writing it in for the future so I don't have to change it later . . anyways I am so jazzed not just about the smoker but also about joining this fine community I see here, been reading posts all day, and what looks like a fine company as well. I look foward to sharing good Q with you all! When I get a little more settled I'll try and post some pics so you guys can see where the AmeriQue is going to go.
GO DUCKS!!! yes I know we lost to USC in overtime . . I was there . . ouch . . .