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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Hi everyone, My Name is Roger, I got my Sm008 smoker I think it was 7 or 8 years ago. One of the biggest reasons I bought it over another brand was this forum. When I first got in to BBQ, I built my own off-side smoker from scratch. I still have it, but it takes a lot of work and time to cook on it and tend to it every 45 minutes or so. when I got the SM008 I loved how easy it was to use, like cheating. Anyway I am getting back into using the machine because It works great. I like to cook the food in the cookshack, then foil, and wrap it in a towel and transfer it in an ice chest to the duck club. I got this tip from this forum and I still use it) Right now I am doing 2 boneless pork-buts to drag out to a potluck at the duck club on saturday

