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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Welcome to the group dschaef. You will love the SM025. They are a little different than you are used to. The top 3 things that bit me in the rear when I got my 045 were the start up mode, The heat sensor, and the amount of wood needed. These smokers have a pre-programed start mode. It doesn't matter what temp you program in to the smoker, for the first 30 minutes the smoker runs at 300 degrees. If you turn the unit off, or lose power, when you start it back up, it goes into the start mode. If you look at the inside back wall of the smoker you will see a small metal tube that sticks into the smoker several inches. This is the thermometer for the smoker temperature. Make sure that when you load the smoker to keep what ever the product is away from this sensor. These smokers are very stingy on wood. 2 to 6 oz. per smoke. Don't soak the wood. Do a search on here for "Big Bang". They can be very exciting the first time it happens. Let us know where you are located.