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Reply to "Introduce Yourself -- Time for a CS RollCall"

Welcome Sherpa. Check out the 101's that appear at the top of the different sections. There is some good information in them. There are some interesting things to learn about your new smoker. The first one is when you are loading your smoker make sure that the little tube that sticks out of the back wall of your smoker. is not in contact with the meat. There are others and if you spend some time reading I think you will find the stories. One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was when the recipe calls for 4 OZ. of wood, try to stick as close as you can to this. These smokers do not need a lot of wood to make good BBQ. Then there is the "Big Bang". You may never experience one, but you need to know about them just in case. My "Big Bang" happened while I had my new 045 filled with 2 turkeys. About 45 minutes into the cook I had the Bang. My wife was in the back of the house and came running out screaming "What the heck was that"? All of the dogs in the neighborhood were going ballistic. I ran out thinking my new smoker was going to be round and there were going to be turkey pieces parts all over my back yard. The smoker was fine, the turkeys were fine but I shut the smoker down just to make sure everything was all right. That brings up another thing you should know. These smokers have a preset startup mode. No matter what temperature you set them to run at, for the first 30 to 45 minutes they are set to run full blast. This is to get the smoke rolling fast. If you shut the smoker down, or the smoker looses power for some reason, when you turn it back on, the smoker will go back into the startup mode. Enjoy your smoker, and welcome to the group.