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It's a 8 pound, 8 ounce bouncing baby brisket! 1st smoke in the SM020

I decided to start with a brisket. Why? Because everyone else starts with a butt and I wanted to be different! Ha!

Anyway, here's my cooking log for the most succulent piece of BBQ I've ever tasted in my life!

I cooked a 12.5 lb brisket. This was a cheap Walmart brisket too.


General Information
Date: 5/18/09
Meat & Cut: Brisket 12.75lbs
Smoking Temperature: 225
Wood Type: Hickory
Wood Amount: 3.75oz.

Rub, Brine, Marinade:
1. Used only the Cookshack Brisket Rub. Used 1/3 of a new shaker.
2. Put in with fat side up.
3. Rinsed meat w/water and rubbed cold.
4. Used two temperature probes; one in the point and one in the flat.
5. No preheating of the smoker and didn't bring the meat to room temperature; I wanted to start cold.

Special Comments:
1. At 7pm it seemed the flat probe may not be in lean meat. I moved flat probe. Temp changed from 172 to 167. Wood all burned up and only ash is left.
2. At 1am moved flat probe again. Temp changed from 192 to 190.
3. Pulled the brisket at 12 hours. Thermometer easily slid in and out like a hot knife in butter.

Temperature Charting
4pm----43--------------225-------------------- 140
6pm----128/152--------225-------------------- 225
7pm----155/172/167----225-------------------- 225
8pm----165/170--------225-------------------- 225
9pm----170/173--------225-------------------- 225
10pm---173/176--------225-------------------- 225
12am---176/187--------225-------------------- 225
1am----180/190--------225-------------------- 225
2am----182/190--------225-------------------- 225
4am----194/198--------225-------------------- 225

Finishing Comments:
I wrapped the brisket immediately in foil, towels and put into ice chest at 4am. Temps on both probes are 190.

I left in the cooler for 2 hours. Temps are both at 165. Carved both thick and thin slices, packaged in vacuum sealer bags with 1.5 lbs per bag.

The meat reduced to a little more than 8 1/2 lbs.
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